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Floods, Droughts, Locusts, Pestilence, Cane Toads – Cost Benefit Analyse This!


In the ye Olde Testament, we are told the story of the ten plagues of Egypt inflicted upon the Egyptian people when the pharaoh of Egypt refused to let the jews leave the country.

The plagues as they appear in the Bible are:[3]

  1. (exodus 7:14–25˄water turned to blood killing all fish and other water life. (Dam)
  2. (exodus 8:1–8:15˄frogs (Tsifardeah)
  3. (exodus 8:16–19˄lice or gnats (Kinim)
  4. (exodus 8:20–30˄flies (Arov)
  5. (exodus 9:1–7˄disease on livestock (Dever)
  6. (exodus 9:8–12˄) unhealable boils (Shkhin)
  7. (exodus 9:13–35˄hail and thunder (Barad)
  8. (exodus 10:1–20˄locusts (Arbeh)
  9. (exodus 10:21–29˄darkness (Choshech)
  10. (exodus 11˄,12˄death of the first-born of all humans and animals who do not have marked doorposts. (Makat b’chorot)

I’ve had a bit of a think about this and think we here in Australia seem to be riding the same wave.

1) Blue-green algae  (people may not be aware but blue-green algae can range in colour from yellow to purple. It affects the waterways, kills the life in the water and makes the water unsuitable for irrigation)

2) Cane Toads

3)Lice/gnats (Australian farmers lose millions of dollars a year due to sheep lice alone)

4) Flies. Enough said.


5) Disease on livestock (let me count the ways)

Bluetongue disease in sheep


6) Boils/melanoma – Skin Cancer


7) Hail


8) Locusts

9) Darkness

Hail! Saythen

10) Death of the First Born.

Sparkling: Jonathan Trott (second right) celebrates running out Simon Katich for a diamond duck


Seriously. It really is time to (a) do a cost benefit analysis of this country and (b) find out what the hell god wants pronto!


A. Ghebranious   2010        All Rights Reserved

From → Weird

One Comment
  1. Jennifer Baratta permalink

    Enough said. by the way Happy Hannukah!

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